Circa	Date	Events
	01/15/2023	Calvin Coolidge becomes President	1923-1929	
c.	12/31/2024	Clarence Birdseye forms company to market frozen fish
	08/15/1926	First 'talkie' produced		
	04/21/2027	Queen Elizabeth II born		
	04/26/2027	Walter Arthur Oestreich born to parents Walter H and Yvonne Oestreich	Tuesday
	05/01/2027	Adolf Hitler holds first Nazi meeting in Berlin	
	05/21/2027	Lindbergh flies over Atlantic to Paris		
	05/26/2027	15 millionth Tin Lizzie rolls off assembly line	
	06/02/2027	Lizzie Borden dies		
	07/05/2027	Regular air service begins between Milwaukee and Chicago
	08/12/2027	Thomas Alva Edison celebrates 50th anniversary of phonograph
	08/13/1927	Fidel Castro born		
	09/30/2027	Babe Ruth hits 60th home run		
	10/06/2027	Al Jolson sings in first talkie, "The Jazz Singer"	
	12/15/2027	Academy of Motion Pictures formed		
	12/15/2027	 "Big Bang" theory published by Georges Lemaitre	
c.	12/31/2027	Shuster's sponsors the first Milwaukee Holiday Parade. It is now run by the
				Holiday Parade Foundation of Milwaukee, Inc.
c.	12/31/2027	Walter & Yvonne move with their baby to Oestreich family farm in Marshfield, WI
c.	12/31/2027	Continental Baking Co. Introduces Wonder Bread in a balloon decorated wrapper
	12/31/2027	Construction of Mount Rushmore begun	1927-1941	
	12/31/2027	GE introduces Monitor top refrigerator		
	01/15/2028	First broadcast of television invention		
	12/31/2028	C. Birdseye sells rights to General Foods	
	04/29/2028	Dorothy Jane Sims born		1
	07/03/2028	First television set on market at $75		
	09/15/2028	Penicillin discovered		
	11/15/2028	Hoover elected President	1929-1933	
	12/31/2028	Mickey Mouse makes his debut as the star in Walt Disney's short cartoon
				"Steamboat Willie"
c.	12/31/2027	Walter & Yvonne move with their baby back to Milwaukee, WI
c.	12/31/2028	Bubble gum is perfected by the Frank H. Fleer Co. Fleer's Dubble Bubble
				is test marketed in Philadelphia
c.	12/31/2028	St. Josephat's Basilica is consecrated		
c.	12/31/2028	Lynchings are down in the U.S. To 10 for the year, contrasted with 97 in 1909
	01/13/2029	WYATT EARP dies		
	09/08/2029	Wally's brother Donald is born		2
	10/06/2029	Fire partially destroys the bell tower of Milwaukee's City Hall. The fire goes
				to 3 alarms, but firefighters have trouble getting to the fire
	10/24/2029	Black Tuesday, Stock Market Crash		
	12/31/2029	Astronomer Edwin Hubble says the farther the galaxy is away from us, the faster
				it is moving away. The universe, in other words, is expanding. The 'Hubble
				constant' will prove fundamental to modern astronomy
	12/31/2029	Wisconsin is 1st state to prohibit use of race/national origin as factors in
				hiring teachers
	02/18/1930	The ninth planet, Pluto, is discovered by Clyde  W. Tombaugh	
	09/15/1930	Revolution in Argentina		3
c.	12/31/1930	Billy the Brownie becomes part of Christmas tradition as a creation of 
				Shuster's Department Store
c.	12/31/1930	Freon discovered by Thomas Midgely		
	09/15/1931	Britain abandons gold standard		
	10/18/1931	THOMAS EDISON dies		
	12/15/1931	Congress official makes "Star Spangled Banner" the National Anthem; was already
				in use by Army & Navy	Written 9/14/1814 by Francis Scott Key	4
	01/15/1933	Franklin D. Roosevelt becomes President, introduces the New Deal	1933-1945
	01/30/1933	Adolf Hitler appointed German Chancellor	
	02/25/1933	Japan withdraws from League of Nations	
c.	12/31/1933	21st Amendment repeals Prohibition		7
	09/15/1934	U.S.S.R. Admitted to League of Nations	
	10/15/1934	Spanish Civil War breaks out		
c.	12/31/1934	Bonnie & Clyde killed in shootout		
	08/14/1935	Social Security begun		8
c.	12/31/1935	Neutrality Act passed		
	12/31/1935	1st clothes dryer invented in Two Rivers, WI	8
	03/07/1936	German troops occupy Rhineland		
	07/18/1937	Amelia Earhart lost on Pacific flight		10
c.	12/31/1937	Insulin used to control diabetes		
	03/15/1939	Nazis enter Poland		
	09/03/1939	Britain and France declare war on Germany	World War II begins
	10/30/1939	H.G.Welles "War of the Worlds" broadcast	panic nationwide
c.	12/31/1939	Albert Einstein writes to President Roosevelt to warn him that recent
				developments in physics suggest the possibility of nuclear explosives
c.	12/31/1939	Fluorescent lighting is introduced by General Electric	
c.	12/31/1939	Carl Zeidler defeats Daniel Hoan and becomes 'boy mayor' of Milwaukee
c.	12/31/1939	First refrigerator w/freezer combo invented	12

	06/03/1940	U.S. offers aid to Britain		13
	06/15/1940	Dunkirk: Allies evacuate troops from France	
	06/27/1940	FDR declares national emergency to control shipping	
	10/29/1940	First draft # drawn in U.S.		
	01/27/1941	U.S. and Britain begin high level military talks in Washington
	02/04/1941	USO formed		
	05/27/1941	FDR declares UNLIMITED national emergency	14
	08/15/1941	Atlantic Charter: Roosevelt & Churchill issue joint declaration. Stalin agrees
				to talks 2 days later
	08/16/1941	Rockland, Maine: FDR declares U.S. NOT entering war
	09/15/1941	Milwaukee hosts the American Legion convention Sept. 15-18, a huge event
				with a parade featuring 100,00 marchers
	12/07/1941	Japanese bomb Pearl harbor		
	12/07/1941	Yvonne Oestreich receives telegram that her father, Jules Sansen, Wally's
				maternal grandfather, has passed away
	12/08/1941	U.S. Declares war on Japan		
	12/11/1941	U.S. Declares war on Italy and Germany	
c.	12/31/1941	Wally attends Custer High School (at what is now Edison Middle School 5372
				N. 37th St.)	1941-1945*	14
	12/01/1942	Gas rationing begins in U.S.		15
	12/02/1942	Enrico Ferni (U.S.) splits the atom		
c.	12/31/1942	 ' Victory Gardens' are promoted in the U.S., and this year 40% of America's
				vegetables will be produced in them
c.	12/31/1942	Wally's mother Yvonne works in a munitions factory making shell casings
	12/31/1942	FDR screens "Casablanca" at White House	
c.	01/15/1943	"Casablanca" debuts in movie theatres	
c.	01/15/1943	Churchill,Stalin and DeGaulle meet in Casablanca	
	02/21/1943	Canned food and leather rationed		16
c.	12/31/1943	Americans are urged to "Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without"
				Rationing and shortages are the general rule, altho Americans are better off
				than the citizens of most nations at war. People become accustomed to ration
				books and the ration point and stamp system. There is also a good deal of 
				black market activity, particularly in beef
c.	12/31/1943	Polio epidemic		17
	06/06/1944	D-Day		
	02/23/1945	U.S. Flag raised at Iwo Jima		
	04/12/1945	Roosevelt dies of cerebral hemorrhage	
	04/12/1945	Harry S. Truman becomes President	1945-1953	
	04/25/1945	United Nations Conference on International Organization meets in San Francisco;
				47 members
	04/30/1945	Hitler commits suicide		
	04/30/1945	Russians occupy Berlin		
	07/15/1945	Wally reports to Camp Fannen,Texas.  Evidence on 1945 tobacco ration card
				suggests also stationed at Fort Sheridan, Ill. Orders are to ship out on boat
				from Camp Pickett, Virginia are changed at last minute; he is sent to Fort
				Banks, Mass	In the scarcity of leather goods, one of 1st things Wally's mom
				does after he is drafted is to take his 'SHOE Certificate'	18
	06/26/1945	United Nations is formed		
	08/06/1945	Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed by U.S.		
	08/15/1945	V-J Day (Japan surrenders)		
	10/23/1945	Jackie Robinson becomes 1st black Major League baseball player
	04/15/1946	Power in Japan transferred from the Emperor to an elected assembly
	05/30/1945	Gertie the Duck hatches her first duckling on the pilings next to Wisconsin Ave
				bridge. Milwaukee takes Gertie to its heart and the story of the duck and her
				brood eventually become internationally famous
	04/12/1946	Wally is chauffeur to Danish delegation, Count Molke, Mr. Rasmussen at Hyde
				Park on 1st anniversary of Roosevelt's death. He remains chauffer for 1st
				session of U.N. at Lake Success N.Y. and Flushing Meadows N.Y.(site of the 1939
				N.Y. World's Fair)	Wally received $30 tip from one of the delegates 	19
c.	12/31/1946	Wally is given Honorable Discharge 'At the convenience of the Government'
				*Exact Month & Day unknown	19
c.	12/31/1946	Wally begins classes at Milwaukee State Teachers College
				*Exact Month & Day unknown	19
	01/29/1947	Seventeen inches of wet snow bring Milwaukee to a complete halt for several
				days. The storm came to be known as The Big Snow of '47
	03/15/1947	New York is declared permanent U.N. Headquarters	
c.	10/15/1947	Walter A. Oestreich meets Dorothy J. Sims, another student at MSTC.
				Transportation for dating is via bus, streetcar or perhaps on a 1942 "Trackless
				Trolley"	*Exact Month & Day unknown	20
	12/04/1947	Tennessee Williams Play: "A Streetcar Named Desire" opens on Broadway
c.	12/31/1947	The Radar-Range, early refrigerator sized version of microwave introduced
c.	12/31/1947	WTMJ-TV becomes Milwaukee's first TV station	
c.	12/31/1947	Dead Sea Scrolls discovered		
c.	12/31/1947	Wally works partime as theatre usher - - - Possibly at The Ritz Theatre on
				Villard	Dorothy sees lots of movies
	01/30/1948	Ghandi assassinated		
	08/15/1948	Wally proposes to Dorothy At Okauchee Lake	21
	12/31/1948	Wally & Dorothy celebrate New Year's Eve by consuming entire jar of herring.
				This proves to be overindulgent; they practice moderation in the future
	6//4/49		Wally converts to Catholicism, makes his 'Profession of Faith' and is 
				Re-Baptized at Blessed Sacrament Church, 3300 S 41st St
	06/05/1949	Wally makes his First Communion at Blessed Sacrament Church
	06/11/1949	Wally marries Dorothy at Blessed Sacrament Church	Wedding Certificate lists
				Wally's home as 5503 N 33rd St, occupation: student Dorothy's address is listed
				as 3400 W Forest Home Ave, occupation: bookkeeper. Their 1st home together is
				on Maple St.
c.	06/15/1949	Wally & Dorothy honeymoon at Heigen's Resort, Crivitz, Wisconsin
c.	01/15/1950	Britain recognizes Communist China		
c.	01/15/1950	Riots break out when apartheid program is established in South Africa
	05/01/3150	1st child, daughter Susan Anne is born	508 W. Maple St	23
c.	06/15/1950	Korean War breaks out		
c.	08/15/1950	Dorothy's father, Vincent Sims passes away	
	10/09/1950	Construction begins on County Stadium	
c.	12/31/1950	Wally does student teaching at Forest Home Ave School
c.	01/15/1951	Wally begins substitute teaching at Forest Home Ave School
	09/04/1951	Wally begins teaching at Forest Home Ave School. An elementary teacher, grades
				2-8, he teaches mostly 3rd and 6th grades.	Mr. Williams, Principal	24
c.	09/15/1952	Segregation in public schools is deemed illegal	
c.	11/15/1952	Dwight D.Eisenhower elected President	1953-1961	
	11/27/1952	2nd child, son Michael Paul is born	1534 S 15th St	25
	04/06/1953	First Exhibition game at County Stadium	Boston Braves	
	06/15/1953	Queen Elizabeth II crowned		
	03/01/1954	H-Bomb tests in the Pacific		
	12/24/1954	Last official episode of Shuster's "Billy the Brownie" broadcast on radio
	12/31/1954	Wonderful World of Disney show on TV	
c.	12/31/1954	Jonas Salk develops polio vaccine		
c.	12/31/1955	DisneyLand opens in California		
c.	12/31/1955	Construction begins on new War Memorial Art Museum	Milwaukee	
c.	07/15/1956	Nasser seizes Suez Canal		
c.	08/15/1956	Family camping trip(s)?	Copper Falls  Devil's Lake
c.	12/31/1956	Wally teaches flytying for Milwaukee Recreation Division of MPS	1956-1957	
	12/31/1956	Japan admitted to United Nations		
	06/29/1956	President Eisenhower signs the Federal Aid Highway Act to create the Interstate
c.	03/15/1957	European Economic Community (European Common Market) is formed
	04/13/1957	Lack of funds forces halt to Saturday mail delivery	
c.	07/15/1957	International Atomic Energy Agency established	30
c.	07/15/1957	Daughter Susy travels with Grandmother Yvonne to Canada to meet Aunt Ella
c.	08/15/1957	Family camping trip to Door County, campsite in Nicolet Bay. Severe storm hits
				area. Wife and kids sleep in car...Wally sleeps in tent w/arm wrapped around 
				center pole
c.	10/15/1957	Milwaukee Braves beat NY Yankees in World Series...Headlines: 'Bushville Wins!"
				Classes assemble in Forest Home Auditorium to listen to game 
c.	10/15/1957	First earth satellite launched		
c.	12/31/1957	New Milwaukee Art Museum opens		
c.	12/31/1957	Jack Kerouac "On the Road"		
c.	06/15/1958	New Master Bedroom created in former den with new furniture. Susy and Mike each
				now have own rooms	31
	04/02/1958	National Advisory Council on Aeronatics is renamed NASA
	07/29/1958	Congress appropriates funds for NASA		
c.	08/15/1958	3 Generation Family camping trip to Door County, including Wally's parents
				Walter & Yvonne and also babysitter Susie Peplinski. Confusion over the Susie
				name results in the nickname of "Sam" for the babysitter
c.	09/15/1958	Tours of model homes and plans to build begin	
c.	10/15/1958	Milwaukee Braves lose to NY Yankees after leading in the World Series 3 games
				to 1
c.	10/15/1958	Under pressure from Russia, Boris Pasternak, author of 'Doctor Zhivago' refuses
				Nobel Prize for Literature
c.	04/15/1959	Construction begins on lot in Greendale	
	09/08/1959	Wally assigned to Robert M LaFollette School	Vice Principal	32
	02/15/1959	Mattel introduces 1st Barbie Doll		
	08/04/1959	Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S.		
c.	12/28/1959	Construction delays mean move must be in winter, not autumn. Move is made 3
				days after Christmas, during school break.	Christmas present under 15th St
				mini-tree as well as on shelf in Endicott bedroom closet
	07/04/1960	First 4th of July Parades with 50 Star flag		33
c.	11/15/1960	John F. Kennedy elected president	1961-1963	
c.	12/31/1960	Family involved in square dancing with Calhoun Dancers	1960-1962	
	08/31/1961	Berlin Wall separates city into East and West	34
c.	12/31/1961	Nelson Mandela imprisoned in South Africa	released 1990	
	02/26/1962	John Glenn orbits earth		
	08/06/1962	Jamaica becomes independent country	
	10/28/1962	Cuban Missile Crisis	 '13 Days'	35
c.	03/15/1963	Demonstrations begin across the south. Brutal treatment of demonstrators is
				nationally televised. Martin Luther King,Jr arrested for demonstrating in
				Birmingham, Alabama. He composes Civil Rights essay 'Letter from a Birmingham
				City Jail' March-June
	07/15/1963	First use of new postal Zipcode		
c.	06/15/1963	President Kennedy federalizes Alabama National Guard to enforce integration at
				the University of Alabama
	08/17/1963	1st new car, a Volkswagen, picked up from dealer	AM	
	08/17/1963	3rd child, daughter Karen Anne born	PM	36
	08/28/1963	250,000 march on Washington D. C. Reverend Martin Luther King,Jr delivers his
				"I Have A Dream " speech
	09/15/1963	Four young African-American girls are killed in bombing at 16th St Baptist
				Church in Birmingham, Alabama
	11/23/1963	President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas, Texas	
	11/23/1963	Lyndon Baines Johnson sworn in as President aboard Air Force 1	1963-1969	
c.	12/31/1963	Milwaukee Zoo on Bluemound opens		
c.	12/31/1963	Milwaukee opens I-94 freeway between 16th St and 68th St
c.	12/31/1963	Wally explains new freeway to kids; weekly trips to Grandma & Grandpa
				Oestreich's house will now be longer, but faster
c.	12/31/1963	Wally joins Executive Board of Wisconsin Elementary Principals
	02/15/1964	Zanzibar declared a republic		
	02/15/1964	1st American TV appearance of the Beatles	
c.	07/15/1964	Wally works 2nd shift in summer at Allen-Bradley	37
	07/02/1964	LBJ signs Civil Rights Act into law		
c.	09/15/1964	Wally assigned to Green Bay Ave School	Principal	
	11/15/1964	LBJ elected President	1963-1969	
	12/10/1964	Martin Luther King,Jr awarded Nobel Peace Prize	
	01/15/1965	Winston Churchill dies		
	02/21/1965	Malcolm X is shot and killed		
c.	03/15/1965	Wally's son wins Jr Trophy in archery at Sentinel Silver Anniversary Sports Show
	03/28/1965	Rev. Martin Luther King,Jr  leads Freedom Walk in Alabama
	06/29/1965	US forces already in Vietnam in 'advisory' capacity are now authorized into
	07/28/1965	LBJ orders 50,000 more troops to Vietnam. Monthly draft rises from 17,000 to
	08/15/1965	Wisconsin State Archery Tournament, Wally's team takes 1st Place, Wife Dorothy
				is 1st in her division, as is son Michael in Jr Division
	08/15/1965	Race riots in Watts,California rage for 5 days	
	08/27/1965	LBJ bans draft exemption for married men	
	09/08/1965	100,000 troops in Vietnam. Reports of 650 US troop casualties since 1961
	10/18/1965	1st arrest by FBI of man for burning draft card	
	12/31/1965	Rambler	New car	
	11/04/1965	Battle at Ia Drang Valley; 450 US troops surrounded by 2,000 North Vietnamese
	02/15/1966	Milwaukee NAACP youth council pickets the "Eagles Club" to protest "whites only"
				membership policy	February-March
	04/20/1966	4th child, daughter Sheryl Anne born		38
	08/09/1966	Milwaukee office of NAACP is bombed		
	08/28/1966	Protesters march from downtown Milwaukee to Wauwatosa, more than 4,000 whites
				line Wisconsin Ave
	07/12/1967	Race riots in many major US cities; Newark, Detroit, New York...Milwaukee sets
				9pm curfew to clear streets	July 12-30	39
	07/30/1967	Riot begins in Milwaukee. I policeman and 3 civilians killed. Mayor Maier
				declares a state of emergency. Announces 24 hour curfew and requests
				mobilization of National Guard
	07/31/1967	Father Groppi and 7 members of youth council are arrested for refusing police
				order to get off the streets
	08/29/1967	Fr. Groppi holds press conference and announces that marches will continue.
				They would ultimately last 200 days. 5,000 white residents of the South Side
				react violently to the marchers at Kosciuszko Park. Freedom House is firebombed
	08/29/1967	Daughter Susy witnesses Kosciuszko march firsthand w/boyfriend, and his father,
				out of curiosity. Violence erupts several blocks away, teargas cloud begins to
				drift down street. All 3, eyes burning, head for car and hurry home to watch
				final episode of "The Fugitive" on TV
	08/30/1967	Mayor Maier issues a proclamation prohibiting night marches. In defiance of
				Mayor's order, a night rally is held at burned out shell of Freedom House
				resulting in 50 arrests
	09/02/1967	March of 1,000 demonstrators would stretch 3 city blocks. National press
				coverage calls Milwaukee the "Selma of the North"
	12/21/1967	1st heart transplant		
c.	12/31/1967	Wally & Dorothy carpet their home and purchase new living room furniture
	12/31/1967	1st domestic countertop microwave for cooking	$500 	
	04/05/1968	Rev Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated	
	04/08/1968	Biggest civil rights demonstration in Milwaukee history as 15,000 marchers
				walk through Milwaukee's downtown in memory of Martin Luther King,Jr	Susy
				does not go
	06/06/1968	Daughter Susy graduates from Greendale High School	40
	06/08/1968	Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated	
	11/15/1968	Nixon elected President	1969-1974	
	06/14/1969	Daughter Susy married to Steven 		41
	07/20/1969	Neil Armstrong 1st man to walk on moon	
	01/28/1970	Wally returns to Forest Home Ave Schhol	Principal	
	10/31/1970	Christopher, 1st grandchild born		42
c.	12/31/1970	Ford LTD	new car	
c.	06/15/1971	Son Michael graduates from Greendale High School	
	07/22/1971	Weekly death tolls in Vietnam drop to five year low; only 11 compared to 300
				when fighting was at its peak
c.	08/15/1971	Son Michael begins college at Stout University	
	11/06/1971	Shannon, 2nd grandchild is born		
c.	12/15/1971	Daughter Karen  at St. Lukes with kidney disease	
	03/15/1972	Equal Rights Amendment		
	06/15/1972	Watergate Affair begins; 5 burglars caught		
c.	12/31/1972	Wally lectures at Alverno College for group of elementary science teachers
c.	12/31/1973	Member Phi Delta Kappa fraternity; also served on Executive Board	1973-2000
	07/26/1974	11:15pm Michael's motorcycle accident;  hospitalized at St. Lukes	46
	08/08/1974	Nixon resigns, Gerald Ford becomes President	1974-1977	
c.	12/31/1974	Gremlin	new car	
c.	09/30/1975	Dorothy's mother Clarice marries John Albrecht	Bride is 71!	
c.	12/31/1975	Taught archery, served on Executive Board at Milwaukee Boys Club, Seher Unit,
				(24th & Rogers)	Worked with Uncle Ed Ryczek	47
c.	12/31/1975	Microwaves ovens outsell gas ranges		
	07/04/1976	America celebrates Bicentennial	200 Year Birthday
	05/15/1976	Michael graduates from Stout University	Accident results in 1 year delay of
				planned '75 graduation	48
	08/15/1976	Michael begins teaching at Milwaukee Tech	
	11/15/1976	Jimmy Carter elected President	1977-1981	
	04/02/1978	Velco  first put on market		
	04/18/1978	Senate votes to turn Panama Canal over to Panama on December 31, 1999
c.	06/15/1978	Buick Wagon purchased, plans are to drive to Mexico	new car	51
c.	07/22/1978	2 week family vacation at Kelly's Whispering Pines horseback riding and fishing
c.	12/31/1978	Honda Civic	new car	
c.	06/15/1979	Firework 'snakes' and rockets on Endicott in anticipation of upcoming travels
c.	06/15/1979	Michael drives Wally, Dorothy and  youngest  daughters to O'Hare for flight to
				Mexico City. Morelia, (in the state of Michoacan) is destination.	52
c.	06/15/1979	6 week visit to historical city to study Spanish and Spanish culture affected
				by Montezuma's Revenge and teenage rebellion.
c.	07/15/1979	Michael picks up family from O'Hare after their return from Mexico. Upon return
				to Endicott driveway, garage door lifts automatically by opener installed while
				family was away.
	11/15/1980	Ronald Reagan elected President	1981-1989	
	07/15/1981	Prince Charles marries Dianna Spencer	Wedding televised
	08/07/1982	Son Michael marries Judy (Official date) Judy frequently refers to the wedding
				date as August 12	Joe joins family as Wally & Dorothy's 3rd grandchild	55
	09/22/1983	Wally assigned to Humboldt Park School	Principal	56
	09/24/1984	Wally assigned to Garland School	Principal	57
	10/06/1985	Daughter Karen marries Tim		58
	01/31/1986	US Space shuttle Challenger explodes		
	06/17/1986	Wally retires from MPS; Retirement dinner at El Matador Restaurant Hall	59
	12/31/1986	Tienamen Square student demonstrations in China	
c.	12/31/1986	Wally is President of Cream City Cycle Club	1986-1987	
	01/03/1987	Michelle, 4th grandchild is born		
	06/12/1987	President Reagan's remarks at Brandenburg Gate addressed to West Berlin,
				audible in East Berlin: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! "
	06/23/1987	Wally's father, Walter H. Oestreich passes away	Buried in Marshfield Cemetary
c.	07/15/1987	Wally & Dorothy move to new home at 4820 Sussex Lane in Greendale. Endicott
				home is sold to daughter Susy, Steven & family
c.	12/31/1987	Wally is Gold Medalist in Wisconsin Senior Olympics for several years	60
c.	11/15/1988	George Bush (Senior) elected President	1989-1993	61
	01/21/1989	Dorothy's mother, Clarice Albrecht passes away 	
	11/09/1989	Berlin wall opened		62
c.	11/15/1989	Daughter Susy is divorced		
	12/20/1989	US troops sent to Panama	12/89-1/90	
c.	07/15/1990	Wally joins group making 3 week cycling trip of Europe	(Paris) France,
				Luxembourg, Germany, Austria	63
c.	12/31/1990	Nelson Mandela released from prison		
c.	12/31/1990	Persina Gulf was between U.S. And Iraq	1990-1991	
	02/01/1991	Wally's mother, Yvonne L. Oestreich passes away	Buried in Marshfield Cemetary
	09/14/1991	Daughter Sheryl marries Neil		
c.	09/15/1992	Wally & Dorothy travel to Wine Country, California	65
	04/12/1992	Euro-Disney opens in France		
	05/22/1992	Johnny Carson's last appearance as host of 'The Tonight Show'
c.	11/15/1992	Bill Clinton is elected President	1993-2001	
c.	12/31/1992	Wally & Dorothy join St. Luke's Philanthropy Club	1992-	
c.	12/31/1992	North American Free Trade Agreement created	
	06/17/1993	Wally participates in Senior Oylmpics in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
c.	12/31/1993	World Trade Center bombed		
c.	12/31/1993	Executive Board, Wisconsin Senior Olympics $2,000 donation helped jumpstart
				fundraising	1993-1998	66
	04/26/1994	1st multi-racial election held in South Africa	Nelson Mandela elected	67
	06/11/1994	Wally & Dorothy celebrate 45 years of marriage with a 5:30 Mass at St.
				Alphonsus Church, followed by a celebration dinner at the Mardi Gras Ballroom
				of the Grand Milwaukee Hotel. lnstead of gifts, they ask to donations to either
				Heart or Arthritis Foundation	They raise over $700 for Arthritis Foundation
				and over $250 for the Heart Association
c.	06/15/1994	Wally & Dorothy take a Carribean Cruise to  celebrate their 45th anniversary
	05/06/1995	1st Great-grandchild, Andrew Warren, is born to Shannon and Warren Jespon Andy
	10/06/1995	Shannon and Warren Jepson are married at St. Alphonsus
c.	12/31/1995	Wally & Dorothy travel to San Antonio, Texas for Senior Olympics
c.	12/31/1996	Wally & Dorothy travel to Disney World in Orlando, Florida	69
	05/02/1997	Daughter Susy marries Mike		70
c.	07/15/1997	Wally makes 16 day cycling trip to Ireland	
c.	06/22/1998	2nd Great-grandchild, Sarah Nicole, is born to Shannon and Warren Jepson Sarah
c.	12/31/1998	Wisconsin Senior Olympics Volunteer of the Year	
c.	12/31/1999	Daughter Karen is divorced
	06/11/2000	Daughter Karen marries David		
c.	06/28/2000	Dorothy, wife of 51 years, passes away		73
c.	12/31/2000	George W. Bush elected President	2001-	
c.	12/31/2000	Executive Board, Concord Chamber Orchestra	2000-2001	
c.	09/08/2000	Daughter Sheryl is divorced		
	04/21/2001	Daughter Sheryl marries Ken		74
	09/11/2001	World Trade Center, Pentagon attacked by terrorists	
	10/15/2001	Operation Enduring Freedom begins		
c.	12/15/2001	Wally buys 2002 Toyota Camry	new car	
	04/27/2002	75th Birthday Celebration at Rafters		75